About us


Latin American Coffee, LLC (LAC) is a New Jersey based Direct Trade specialty wholesale and retail coffee business.  From seed to cup, LAC’s exceptional coffees are credited to the dedicated, meticulous Colombian coffee farmers and the skilled craftsmanship of artisan roasters who pursue perfection with every bean.


Our LAC research & development team started traveling to Colombia in August 2005, to pursue our passion for coffee. During our initial trips, we noticed a significant difference in the quality of the coffees we tasted. Over the next few years, we visited many coffee plantations in many different regions and towns in Colombia, expanding our industry knowledge and discovering factors that differentiate a good cup of coffee from a great cup of coffee. Because of its unique geography and climate, Colombia produces some of the finest specialty coffees in the world. The “best of the best” is often produced at a micro lot level on individual plantations, known as SINGLE PLANTATION COFFEE, by farmers committed to producing the highest quality specialty coffees possible Our SINGLE PLANTATION COFFEES are never compromised by being mixed with coffees from other plantations, other regions or other countries. They are single plantation 100 % pure Arabica Colombian Coffee only! As one plantation owner told us, “You can’t get better than Pure”.  It was through our years of travelling and establishing many relationships with the plantation owners and farmers from Colombia, that Latin America Coffee (LAC) grew from our R & D dream to a fully functional wholesale and retail coffee business, based in the US.


      Coffee is the second leading traded commodity in the world (petroleum #1), with production exceeding 14 billion pounds annually. The United States is the world's leading coffee importer and consumer.  Colombia is the world’s second leading producer of specialty coffee. 


“To provide the highest quality, great tasting coffee products and fulfill the expectations of our customers by selecting only the finest single plantation beans from around Latin America and roasting them in small batches to ensure the freshest coffee available.”